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Meramec Ambulanc District Local Heroes and crew committed to excellence in providing emergency medical services in the Meramec District Area in Missouri

Dedicated to Excellence in Emergency Medical Services

2024 Annual Statistics






Vehicle Collisions


Meramec Ambulance District and its crews commit to excellence in providing emergency medical services to residents in Pacific, Catawissa, Robertsville, Gray Summit, Labadie, St. Albans, and Villa Ridge. Founded in 1972, the District serves 244 square miles, which is one of the largest in Franklin County.  Meramec Ambulance District has a very diverse area to cover; our crews service urban and rural settings including interstate highway, back roads, rivers, state and city parks, eleven area schools, a care center, a residential care community, and an event center that hosts some of the largest pet shows in the United States.


We currently respond to more than 4,000 requests for service each year, with a wide array of emergencies including motor vehicle accidents, traumatic injuries, cardiac arrests, chest pain, strokes, and much more.

Our expert team of paramedics have the training to rescue citizens from a wide array of emergencies
Our EMTs respond to more than 4,000 service requests yearly in the Meramec District
Our ambulance services provide advanced life support 24/7 to Missouri's Meramec District

Meramec Ambulance District’s Leadership and Crews

Chief Taz Meyer leads a team comprised of three Battalion Chiefs and three Captains who oversee three full-time crews of Meramec Ambulance District personnel and manages all emergency response services. Stevie Schneider serves as the District’s Office Manager and oversees the human resources and business operations of the District. 


Meramec Ambulance District staff three full-time crews who provide advanced life support (ALS), using the latest medical equipment and techniques in emergency medical care. Our crews respond from four stations spread throughout our District that are manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with paramedics and EMTs at each location to ensure we are always ready to best serve you!

Our Collaborative Relationships and Partnerships Improve Care and Response

Meramec Ambulance District contracts dispatching services through Central County Emergency 911. Emergency calls are received in cooperation with surrounding dispatch agencies utilizing an enhanced 911 system. 


Central County Emergency 911 Dispatch manages dispatch services for emergency districts across the region. First response agencies understand and trust Central County Emergency 911 for a commitment to efficient management and an investment in the most advanced dispatching equipment. All dispatchers for Central County Emergency 911 receive training and certifications that allow them to provide accurate pre-arrival instructions to individuals who are waiting for emergency response teams to arrive on scene. 

Meramec Ambulance District in Missouri partners with surrounding dispatch agencies for thorough care
Who We Are
Meramec Ambulance District ambulance on an emergency response for neighboring districts in the Meramec, Missouri area.

Mutual Aid Network: Meramec’s Agreement with Neighboring EMS Districts

Meramec Ambulance District operates four full-time ambulances and one Battalion Chief vehicle. What happens when all four ambulances are responding to emergencies? 


There are numerous instances when all four ambulances must respond to medical calls at the same time. When all ambulances and crews are managing requests for emergency services, Meramec Ambulance District relies on its mutual aid agreement with neighboring ambulance districts. This agreement creates partnerships to mitigate delays, ensuring that all requests for service receive an appropriate emergency response. 


Meramec’s agreement with neighboring districts also provides "move-up" ambulances in preparation for additional emergency calls arriving at the dispatch center. We appreciate all our neighboring districts who provide mutual aid when needed and we make sure to always do the same when one of our neighboring agencies may need a helping hand because of call volume. 

Air Ambulance Transportation Processes

In the instance where air-medical services are needed, Meramec Ambulance District contacts the closest air-ambulance in the area.

Free Services & Resources

Free Services for the Communities We Serve

Our crews are committed to providing outstanding care, response, and support to our community. Meramec Ambulance District provides free non-emergency medical support and services, ensuring that those we serve receive the services and support necessary to advocate for and protect their health. Our District offers these supportive medical services:

  • Blood pressure testing

  • Blood glucose test

  • File of Life supplies

  • ​Special Needs Tracking & Awareness Response System (STARS)

Meramec Ambulance District Crew commited to providing outstanding care, response and support the their community
A blood pressure testing device utilized by Meramec Ambulance District crew members

Blood Pressure Testing

An elevated or below-normal blood pressure often needs further assessment. Our crews assist with blood pressure testing and will recommend next steps based on results. Don’t delay care; visit one of the stations for support.

A blood glucose testing device utilized by Meramec Ambulance District crew members

Blood Glucose Testing

Individuals with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes may need a quick blood glucose test (or screening) to assess these levels and respond as necessary. Our team provides this service for free. Stop by any station and crews will provide assistance.

File of Life Logo

File of Life Supplies

File of Life is a free Ambulance District program that can save valuable time when every second counts in the event of a medical emergency. Those who choose to participate would fill out a medical information form that contains all of their pertinent medical history. The form is then placed in a magnetic sleeve that goes on their refrigerator, and a District decal is placed near the entry of the participants home to alert our responding paramedics. To request File of Life Supplies for yourself or a loved one, please simply fill out the "Contact Us" form and let us know where to send the supplies!


STARS Program

Meramec Ambulance District is a proud participant of Cardinal Glennon's STARS program. Special Needs Tracking & Awareness Response System (STARS) is a one-of-a-kind program designed to improve emergency care for children with specialty health care needs. STARS provides our paramedics with important health information about the patient prior to their arrival on the scene of an emergency call, ensuring that our youngest and most vulnerable patients will be receiving the best care possible. When a family opts to participate, our STARS Coordinator will work closely with the family and the child's care team to obtain medical information about the child such as his or her diagnoses, medications, allergies, baseline vital signs, and recommended treatment. Children who would benefit from the STARS program are children who may have seizure disorders, tracheostomies, significant developmental delays, cerebral shunts, cardiac history, or any atypical disease or syndrome. Please contact us if you believe that your child would be a candidate for STARS.

Learn About Classes Offered by the District

Throughout the year, Meramec Ambulance District hosts classes to teach the community crucial life-saving techniques including CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and First Aid.

Learning proper CPR techniques saves lives and we are dedicated to making sure our community has the opportunity to learn this life saving skill. For more information about CPR and how to sign up for a CPR class, contact the administration office, email us at or call 636-451-5816.

Our Board of Directors

Residents within the Meramec Ambulance District service area elect the District’s Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is made up of six individuals that are District residents. Each elected Director serves a three-year term, with the terms staggered to ensure two Directors are up for election each year.  

The Board holds its meetings at the District's Administration Building (Station 2) the 3rd Monday of every month at 6 p.m. All Board meetings are open to the public. Click HERE for a map of the Subdistricts.

Meramec Ambulance Districts Administration Building (Station 2)
Subdistrict 1
Shelby Cox
Shelby Cox

Subdistrict 1

Subdistrict 4
Floyd Blake
Shelby Cox

Subdistrict 1

Subdistrict 2
Curt Saitta
Shelby Cox

Subdistrict 1

Subdistrict 5
Justin Smith
Shelby Cox

Subdistrict 1

Subdistrict 3
Mike Gallagher
Shelby Cox

Subdistrict 1

Subdistrict 6
Shelby Cox

Subdistrict 1

Board of Directors
Learn about ambulance transport costs for Meramec Ambulance District in Missouri
Review fee schedule's for ambulance services near me at Meramec Ambulance District in MO

Ambulance Transport Costs and Fee Schedule

Paying your ambulance bill is easy using our secure payment system. However, we understand that patients may have questions about their bill related to the amount they owe and what was covered by insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. Use our FAQ to learn more about common billing questions and procedures.

FAQ About Ambulance Transportation Costs and Billing

What does the Meramec Ambulance District charge for ambulance service?

The amount charged for ambulance services varies based on the type of call, level of medical service provided, and distance traveled to the hospital.

Does the District charge me for an ambulance coming to me and I elect to not be transported via ambulance?   

The District does not currently charge if an ambulance is dispatched and no medical treatment is provided. However, if medical treatment is provided such as administering medications or fluids and the patient elects not to be transported, the patient may receive a bill for the medical treatment provided. 

Meramece Ambulance District crew mate utilizing their transport vehicles for emergency services in the Meramec District area in Missouri.

Does Medicare cover ambulance service? 

Medicare will only cover ambulance services that are deemed medically necessary. When Medicare does cover ambulance services, annual deductibles and coinsurance may still apply. For more information, visit Medicare coverage of ambulance services.

I do not have health insurance. What are my options?

The District understands that not everyone has health insurance. We offer flexible payment options that align with what you can afford in your monthly budget. Please call our third-party medical billing company, EMS Billing Management, LLC at (417) 451-3300 

What if I cannot afford to pay my bill for ambulance services that were provided to me or my loved one?

Meramec Ambulance District understands that not everyone may have the financial ability to pay. Regardless of someone's ability to pay, the District will always be there to provide emergency medical services to those in need. You may qualify for our hardship program; please note all hardship applications are considered on a case-by-case basis and an application does not guarantee approval. To learn more about our hardship program and apply, please call our third-party medical billing company, EMS Billing Management, LLC at (417) 451-3300

I have insurance coverage. Why am I being billed?

It is possible that we do not have a record of your insurance information on file. Please call our third-party medical billing company, EMS Billing Management, LLC at (417) 451-3300


I sent in my insurance information. Why am I being billed?

Health insurance plans vary greatly in coverage. Depending on your individual health insurance plan, ambulance transport may be a non-covered service. Additionally, charges may have applied to your annual deductible or part of your coinsurance. Please call our third-party medical billing company, EMS Billing Management, LLC at (417) 451-3300 and they can investigate your account and provide you with additional information. 


I have an attorney. Why am I being billed?

If you received a bill, that is because the District has performed billable services to you and therefore you are ultimately responsible for those costs; regardless of if you were the one who requested the ambulance. We understand that it may take time for legal cases to be resolved. Please have your attorney contact our third-party medical billing company, EMS Billing Management, LLC at (417) 451-3300 to discuss options and document your account. 

Ambulance Costs & Fees

Learn About Resources Available to You

We are committed to the health and wellbeing of everyone in our community. Learn about resources available to you!

Follow Meramec Ambulance District on Facebook

Stay up to date with our team here at Meramec Ambulance District! Our District provides active updates on Facebook. Check out our latest updates, posts, and photos.

Follow Meramec Ambulance District on Facebook for more local event updates and safety tips
Foundations for Franklin County Logo

A non-profit 501(C)(3) organization dedicated to creating a safe, healthy, drug-free community by providing programs and support to strengthen families. Use the link below to help find helpful local resources for items such as shelter/housing, food, healthcare, substance abuse, and much more.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Logo

The 988 Lifeline provides you judgment-free care. Talking with someone can help save your life. Click the link below to learn more.

In Case of an Emergency, Please Dial 911!

For questions, support, or additional information, please contact us via phone or by filling out the contact form below. 

Administrative Office


8:30 am-4:30 pm

Station #1 

429 E Osage St​.

Pacific, MO 63069

Station #2 
Administrative Office

3279 Highway 100

Villa Ridge, MO 63089​

Station #3 

7390 Highway O

Robertsville, MO 63072​

Station #4 
St. Albans

741 Highway T

St Albans, MO 63069

Currently co-located with Boles Fire District Station #4

Meramec EMS Logo

© 2025 Meramec Ambulance District

All rights reserved.

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